
Bands/Artists We Love – Ryan Adams

A while back I posted about 10 of our favorite music artists….as expected, 10 was far too little. While I did include some of our obvious favorites like Paul Weller, Stone Foundation, Michael Head, The Beatles and Steve Pilgrim, some others who we play constantly and collect their releases passionately were left off…so decided to post a few more.   Bands/Artists We Love – Ryan Adams   I have been a Ryan Adams fan for about 20 years now and have been on a RA phase for the past 3 weeks. I just love it when the bug for a certain artist hits me, in this case one I hadn’t really revisited his discography in quite a while. So listening back to all his albums now and digesting the 4 new albums hew released last year (of new material, besides the 2 covers albums he released...mind-blowing!), so let’s just say Mr. Adams has monopolized my music time lately.   My discovery of RA music came back in college, I remember going to see the movie Old School at the theater and listening to his song To B

My top 25 albums of 2020

So it’s that time of the year again, time to list my favorite albums of the year. This year has been difficult and challenging on many aspects, but man have we had some amazing albums released this year... and also maybe music has been (at least to me) more important than ever before just to maintain our sanity. For this reason this year instead of listing my usual top 15 albums, I am obliged to extend it to my top 25: 1. Paul Weller - On Sunset: Paul just keeps doing it, the man is simply amazing. I honestly believe this is his best album of the past decade and I absolutely love A Kind Revolution. An album that reflects on the past, time and mortality but as always with PW, looking forward and evolving. 2. Stone Foundation - Is Love Enough?: if you know me then this is hardly a surprise. While PW is my favorite artist, Stone Foundation are my favorite band today. They have released some amazing albums over the past few years and this one continues that hot streak. A beautiful album wi

Happy On Sunset release day!

It’s been a great day for Weller fans, this new masterpiece has been released to the world and my first impression is that it’s everything I hoped it would be, a fantastic album that will stand among his best. It’s completely different from his previous albums (as usual) yet it feels absolutely Weller. I’ve avoided reading most reviews as I like to go into a new PW album with no preconceptions apart from my own based on the already released tracks and teasers I’ve heard so far, so that means that my bedtime reading tonight will be comprised of all the reviews/articles I’ve saved on my Facebook “for later” list. Been listening to On Sunset on repeat today and can’t get enough of it. It feels so fresh and easy flowing, as a headline said it’s definitely a Soul album but at the same time it’s so much more than that. I’ve been sharing my opinions today with my Weller friends and the one topic one that really stuck a chord with me is how this is Paul’s fourth straight five

Bands/Artists We Love – Paul Weller/The Jam/The Style Council

The final act in this series of ten is my all-time favorite recording artist and my musical hero, the one and only Paul Weller. I have said about this series that I would present the 10 acts in no particular order, but in reality I always planned for my favorite “active” band Stone Foundation to be the first (I say active as other bands I love like The Beatles and The Jam are not together anymore) and I also planned for Paul Weller, my favorite artist to be the headliner in this series. I include The Jam and TSC in this post as I consider it all to be Paul Weller. When people ask me if which of Paul’s “bands” I prefer I honestly don’t see it as different bands but more as different stages in Paul’s amazing career and evolution. I discovered Paul’s music back in college and my life was changed forever. I worked at a radio station in college and was getting into 70’s punk when I discovered The Jam while at the same time I found a Days Of Speed CD in the station library. I i

Bands/Artists We Love – Michael Head/Shack

  The penultimate act in this series of ten (in no particular order) is the great Michael Head, the man the NME once put on their cover naming him “Our Greatest Songwriter”….followed by “Do You Recognize him?”. And that is in a few words the story of Mick Head, a lost genius who is criminally underrated, not nearly as famous as he should be, but a cult hero to all of those who like me have been lucky enough to come across his music. Mick has had various incarnations during his career: The Pale Fountains in the 80’s, Shack in the 90’s and 00’s, The Strands for one magical album in the 90’s and this past decade it’s been Michael Head & The Red Elastic Band. I love all of his music, to me it’s all Mick Head really, but if I had to choose a favorite, it would be Shack and his new stuff with the Red Elastic Band. I discovered Mick’s music in 2013 after reading a Uncut Magazine newsletter in which its author praised his recently released EP Artorius Revisit