Bands/Artists We Love – The Moons


For the sixth act in this series of ten (in no particular order), we have our favorite band from the 2010’s (decade in which they released their debut album), The Moons.

I discovered The Moons right after they released their fabulous debut album Life On Earth and became a fan of theirs instantly. I knew that Andy Crofts was part of Paul Weller’s band back then, but knew little else about them except that I loved their album, songs like Chinese Whispers and Everyday Heroes remain on my constant playlists even 10 years after their release. I remember meeting and chatting with Ben Gordelier before our first Weller gig in LA and praising The Moons’ debut (Andy’s band in my book by then) only to be embarrassingly told by Ben that he was a member of The Moons too 😮 😬 😂

While their first album was fantastic, it was their sophomore album that made me a Moonie. Fables Of History is one of my all time favorite albums, a masterpiece from start to finish that sounds like the work from my favorite British bands of the 60’s while still sounding fresh and original.

I still remember walking into a record store in London on a UK trip and striking gold when I finally found it on vinyl (after having it for a while on CD).

I could write a paragraph about every song on Fables Of History, but I will only mention Revolutionary Lovers as it’s become an anthem at our house (and it’s my better half favorite Moons’ song).

Their sound keeps evolving, while their sophomore album sounds like a late 60’s masterpiece influenced by The Beatles and The Kinks, their third album Mindwaves has a great 70’s Glam and Bowie flavor. Can’t wait to hear what their next album will have in store for us. They have been teasing us with their new album for quite a while now, hopefully 2020 will finally give us the long awaited album #4.

While we have seen over a half of The Moons lineup live many times as part of Paul Weller’s band, we haven’t been lucky enough yet to see The Moons live. Still if their album Live At Bush Hall is any indication (I know it is), they are amazing live.

Don’t know when it’ll happen but I have faith that we’ll someday get to see Andy, Ben, Chris, Ben and Tom live playing their own material.

I assume most of you are familiar with The Moons, but in case you are not, here’s a playlist of my favs, you can thank me later:


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