Bands/Artists We Love - Van Morrison

So back in November I started this series of posts were I would write about 10 of our favorite musical acts. I had the goal of writing one post per week...that was in early November... so here I am doing number 7 roughly 8 months later, talk about consistency 😬 😂. 
To be honest, first the December holidays got in the way and then after briefly resuming it the quarantine came and you know how it is, but I am a man of my word so I’ll set out to finish what I started. BTW, the pics of us with the records were taken before the quarantine and I never got around to posting them, my hair and beard were a lot shorter back then 😆

For the seventh act in this series of ten (in no particular order), We have the living legend that is Van The Man.

My love for Vans music goes way way back. I can probably trace it back to being 14 years old and watching the movie Nine Months at the theatre, when in one of the final scenes Hugh Grant dances with his newborn baby to calm him down and he plays the Van song These Are The Days. Funny how I can remember that moment so vividly after all this years from a movie I saw at the theater, but that's what music does to me, it marks time and events, become important reference points in my life. Growing up here and not being exposed easily to most of the music I love nowadays as a kid, movies were hugely important in my musical education. Remember this was pre Shazam and Spotify, so finding out the name of the song and who sang a song that caught my attention in a movie was a very difficult task at times, fortunately I was always up for the challenge.

I could write for hours about all the Van Morrison albums I love (Astral Weeks, Moondance, Tupelo Honey, Saint Dominic’s Preview, Veedon Fleece, Wavelength, Into The Music, Common One, No Guru No Method No Teacher, Irish Heartbeat, Avalon Sunset, Days Like This, The Healing see I can go on an on!). I own every single solo album he’s released (and he’s released a LOT) either on CD, vinyl and in most cases up to the 90’s, on both. 

I finally saw him live last year and he was fantastic. I’ve obviously heard the stories, I know how he can be a bit moody at times, but we were lucky as he was in great spirits and top form that day and we got to witness greatness.

We all love Van’s music here at home. To be honest my kids don’t recognize him by name like they do with the other acts on this series of 10, but they always recognize and sing along whenever one of his songs comes up.

I know everyone here will know of Van, but if you’d like to be reminded of how amazing he is, here’s a list of my all time favorite Van Morrison songs:


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