Elvis Costello’s first Grammy for an album

Congratulations  to the amazing Elvis Costello on his first Grammy win for and album, the fantastic Look Now.

Like every year I watched the Grammys with my wife this past Sunday. I don’t really care for the Grammys (haven’t in over 15 years I think) but it’s a tradition I can’t get rid of, like watching the Oscars or Golden Globes. But unlike the other two awards I mentioned, the Grammys seem to be worse and worse every year. It’s probably a sign of me getting older but the performances and winners interest me less and less every year.

This year I only really cared about two of the nominees I saw on the show (both for best new act): Black Pumas and Yola. Unsurprisingly neither won, still wouldn’t make a difference to me if either got a Grammy or not, I like what I like and a Grammy would certainly not change my opinion, but it would still be nice to see something I consider really good get some recognition…I feel like it would give me some hope for the future.

So now for my real complain. After seeing the WHOLE broadcast, over two and a half hours (which felt like 5 hours) I learn that one of my favorite artists, one of the finest songwriters of the past 40 years, the one and only Elvis Costello won a Grammy for Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album for his superb album with The Imposters “Look Now”…and it wasn’t included in the broadcast!!! I then read that he got a (obviously well deserved) standing ovation and there’s no footage of it or his acceptance speech available anywhere on YouTube…shame on you Grammys, shame on you.


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