Bands/Artists We Love – The Beatles

Number five in this series of ten (in no particular order) belongs to 1 of the 2 really obvious ones for those who know me well (I’ll save the other obvious one for #10), The Beatles.

My love for The Fab Four goes way back, can’t really pin point when exactly it began, but I must admit I became obsessed with them after I got into Oasis (I know, should be the other way around), it was then that I began to listen to their albums as a whole instead of just my fav songs and that’s when I really got to appreciate the genius in them.
My favorite Beatles album is Abbey Road, followed closely by Sgt. Peppers, but objectively speaking I think their best album is Revolver which is an absolute work of art. But I love every single one of their albums. From the first chords of their debut to the perfect closing line of Abbey Road, their discography plays like a perfect script to my ears. Even their supposedly weakest moments like Beatles For Sale have amazing songs like I’m A Loser, Baby’s In Black and I’ll Follow The Sun.
It’s amazing to think back at how A Hard Day’s Night (1964)  was the pinnacle of the Beatlemania years and merely a year later they would release what I think is their most important album musically speaking in Rubber Soul (1965), an absolute turning point in their evolution and an album that let’s not forget inspired Brian Wilson to create Pet Sounds.
But it’s not just the albums, you know how some bands are a “singles band”? Well The Fab Four were both, they were the best Singles Band and the Best Albums Band. To think that they didn’t include any singles in Sgt. Peppers…imagine if they had included Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields in it 😮
My love for the Beatles is undisputedly shared at home. My kids have been listening to them since they were in mommy’s belly and humming their tunes since before they could speak. My princess Aurilu (Lucy is her middle name) was named after my bride and Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (and no, that song is not about LSD, John Lennon always said it wasn’t so who can argue with him 😉). We recently saw the Yellow Submarine movie for the first time with the kids and I was pleasantly surprised that they already knew most of the songs. I can also recall the pride I felt when a teacher at preschool congratulated me as my 4 year old twins were the only ones in their class who knew who The Beatles were when they showed them a picture of them in class #GoodParenting 😊 ❤️
I could go on and on about John, Paul, George and Ringo so I’ll stop for now. I am sure you all love the Beatles too, but hopefully this little read will get you in the mood to give them a listen. Here’s a playlist of my favs…had a hard time to cut it down to ONLY 80 😂


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