
Showing posts from March, 2023

Bands/Artists We Love – Ryan Adams

A while back I posted about 10 of our favorite music artists….as expected, 10 was far too little. While I did include some of our obvious favorites like Paul Weller, Stone Foundation, Michael Head, The Beatles and Steve Pilgrim, some others who we play constantly and collect their releases passionately were left off…so decided to post a few more.   Bands/Artists We Love – Ryan Adams   I have been a Ryan Adams fan for about 20 years now and have been on a RA phase for the past 3 weeks. I just love it when the bug for a certain artist hits me, in this case one I hadn’t really revisited his discography in quite a while. So listening back to all his albums now and digesting the 4 new albums hew released last year (of new material, besides the 2 covers albums he released...mind-blowing!), so let’s just say Mr. Adams has monopolized my music time lately.   My discovery of RA music came back in college, I remember going to see the movie Old School at the theater and listening to his song To B