
Showing posts from June, 2020

Bands/Artists We Love – Michael Head/Shack

  The penultimate act in this series of ten (in no particular order) is the great Michael Head, the man the NME once put on their cover naming him “Our Greatest Songwriter”….followed by “Do You Recognize him?”. And that is in a few words the story of Mick Head, a lost genius who is criminally underrated, not nearly as famous as he should be, but a cult hero to all of those who like me have been lucky enough to come across his music. Mick has had various incarnations during his career: The Pale Fountains in the 80’s, Shack in the 90’s and 00’s, The Strands for one magical album in the 90’s and this past decade it’s been Michael Head & The Red Elastic Band. I love all of his music, to me it’s all Mick Head really, but if I had to choose a favorite, it would be Shack and his new stuff with the Red Elastic Band. I discovered Mick’s music in 2013 after reading a Uncut Magazine newsletter in which its author praised his recently released EP Artorius Revisit

Bands/Artists We Love – Ocean Colour Scene

  The eight act in this series of ten (in no particular order), is one of the most important and influential bands in my life, Ocean Colour Scene.   OCS holds an undisputed place amongst my favorites as I discovered their music a few years before college which is where I got into Paul Weller, The Jam, The Clash, Oasis, The Who and so on… On a previous post I mentioned how when I was younger movies would play a huge role introducing me to new music, well that’s exactly how I discovered OCS. I remember a good mate who was always introducing me to cool movies that hadn’t been shown at the theater down here got the DVD for Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels. I absolutely loved the movie but the biggest impact to me came on the opening scene when the guitar on Hundred Mile High City kicks off, I was in awe as I don’t think I’d ever heard anything like that before. It would be a few more years till I got to discover OCS’s full discography (in college) but it had such a huge impact on me t

Bands/Artists We Love - Van Morrison

So back in November I started this series of posts were I would write about 10 of our favorite musical acts. I had the goal of writing one post per week...that was in early November... so here I am doing number 7 roughly 8 months later, talk about consistency 😬 😂.  To be honest, first the December holidays got in the way and then after briefly resuming it the quarantine came and you know how it is, but I am a man of my word so I’ll set out to finish what I started. BTW, the pics of us with the records were taken before the quarantine and I never got around to posting them, my hair and beard were a lot shorter back then 😆 For the seventh act in this series of ten (in no particular order), We have the living legend that is Van The Man. My love for Vans music goes way way back. I can probably trace it back to being 14 years old and watching the movie Nine Months at the theatre, when in one of the final scenes Hugh Grant dances with his newborn