
Showing posts from September, 2019

Happy 50th birthday to my favorite Beatles album

50 years, how can that be possible? Still sounds amazing… it always will. Let’s get one thing out of the way, yes this is my personal favorite Beatles album but no, I don’t think this is their best one. That title goes in my opinion to Revolver, just like (IMHO) Sgt. Peppers is their most influential one. But Abbey Road always had a special place in my heart. It’s hard to explain, but in honor of its big 5-0, here’s a quick breakdown of why I love this album so much: THE COVER Recently the great Neil Sheasby of Stone Foundation wrote a fascinating series of posts about albums he bought based on how much he liked the cover. Well album covers don’t get much better than this. I am sure that no one bought this album based on the cover, but it’s so iconic that as a kid I remember this image came to my mind when the Beatles were mentioned even before I knew what songs were theirs. I love how you can see this album cover next to their debut Please Please Me and you